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Thinking about Parma, probably the first things that come to mind are: ham and Parmesan cheese...


Thinking about Parma, probably the first things that come to mind are: ham and Parmesan cheese. Indeed, Parma is one of the most important culinary centres of Italy, but this city is so much more than that. Parma was the capital of a very powerful Duchy, which left a legacy made of stunning monuments and palaces. In addition, all the splendours of that period created a fertile ground for art spreading. In fact, Parma became one of the main centre for opera, thanks to its amazing theatres and to its fine citizen Giuseppe Verdi.


Essential Information

Currency Euro, €1 = 100 cents
Population 194.464
Newspaper La Gazzetta di Parma
Opening Hours Shops are usually open between 9am-1pm and 4pm-8pm. Larger shops are normally open continuously during the day & Sundays
Emergency Number Emergency: 113,Carabinieri (Police): 112,Vigili del fuoco (Fire Brigade): 115,Ambulanza (Ambulance): 118
Electricity 220V. Power outlet: two or three holes.,
Tourist Information Information and tourist reception Piazza Garibaldi, 1, Parma +39 521 218889 turismo@comune.parma.it

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