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Want to start creating? Here's 3 steps..

micebook is your Little Black Book of industry experts, your Yellow Pages, LinkedIn, event-specific Google search and your inspirational Pinterest board, tailored by suppliers and managed by you.

micebook.boards is an innovative and collaborative tool created by eventprofs for eventprofs, designed with remote work in mind to help fulfil your planning needs.

Event planners can use boards to store and share destination and supplier intel in one central hub. It saves time searching for information, increases efficiency in the workplace and retains easily accessible knowledge for your team – and your team only.

1.     Customise your board to appear just as you like it

2.     Pin your preferred suppliers from micebook’s database of over 8,000 suppliers

3.     Collaborate with your team with board collaboration

4.     Share with your clients and colleagues

5.     Note essential info

6.     Link images, documents, and supplier contact to supplier profiles

7.     Add suppliers who are not already on the micebook database

8.     Privacy – your boards are yours and yours alone

9.     There’s no limit! Have as many boards as you want

Head over to ‘Boards’ and add a new board to get started!

Still got Questions?

Check out our Boards Training guide

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