Elipsis GIF


CS Events has an experience spanning over 30 years in the DMC sector in Italy. We have been responsible for delivering events in Italy for the most motivational incentives, creative product la...


CS Events has a wealth of knowledge and experience spanning over 30 years in the DMC sector. Our success has come from having a thorough knowledge of the destination, good relationships with suppliers and a fundamental understanding of the market conditions our clients are working within. We have been responsible for delivering events in Italy for the most motivational incentives, creative product launches and inspirational conferences within a wide diversity of industry sectors. Value for money is what CS Events strives to give all its clients, through our knowledge of how to work in Italy in order to find the best possible, cost-effective solutions.We love talking about our wonderful country and we like sharing our secret gems with our clients; it makes our work much brighter and inspiring.    


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We take our name from the Latin ‘The World&r

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