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Verona, the city of love is world famous for its magnificent Arena and its association with Shakespeare’s love story, "Romeo and Juliet...


Verona, the city of love is world famous for its magnificent Arena and its association with Shakespeare’s love story, "Romeo and Juliet." It is Italy''s fourth-most-visited city making it one of the most important tourist destinations in Italy, and a UNESCO world heritage site. A city that will charm you for its elegance, its warmth and easy-going atmosphere.


Essential Information

Currency 1 Euro = 100 cents
Population 257, 353
Newspaper L’Arena, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Sole24ore
Opening Hours Shops are usually open from 09.00-12.30 and 15.30-19.30 (closed on Sundays).
Emergency Number Carabinieri: 112,Police: 113,Fire brigade: 115,Medical Emergency Service: 118
Electricity 230 V, 50 Hz
Tourist Information I.A.T. (Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica) Via degli Alpini, 9 +39 045 8068680

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