Elipsis GIF


  1. In the heart of Europe: international airport with direct flights to over 140 destinations, low cost carriers & high-speed trains from European cities
  2. 6 minutes: shortest journey time by train in Europe from the airport to the city centre
  3. Part of the Schengen Area
  4. Free public transport for 80 minutes for passengers arriving at the airport & for guests for the duration of their stay in a hotel in Geneva
  5. Largest congress and exhibition capacity in Switzerland
  6. 7,7%: the lowest VAT rate in Europe
  7. First rate hotel infrastructure with 128 hotels and 9,700 hotel rooms
  8. 36 hotels from 3-5* offering state-of-the-art conference facilities, including Switzerland’s largest hotel
  9. The smallest of the big capitals with only 190,000 inhabitants & host to 35 international organisations and 250 NGOs
  10. One of Europe’s most beautiful regions, with its lake surrounded by magnificent mountain scener

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