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Myanmar The Golden Land


Essence of Myanmar Dmc is your partner in Myanmar. we are is a full service Dmc / Pco. We offer a vast range of services from incentive programs, skilfully coordinated conferences, meetings, event management as well as special interest tour for individuals, small groups and large groups In Myanmar . Our operation could take you to every corner of Myanmar but also to other countries on witch we operate under the name of Essence of the World DMC’S with offices in : Sri Lanka, Maldives, China, Hong Kong, Madagascar and Ethiopia .We deliver what we promise


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Our operation could take you to every corner of Sr

Essence Of The World / Essence Of Bali DMC is a De

Essence of Myanmar Dmc is your partner in Myanmar.

Essence of Madagascar Dmc is a full service DMC.We

Essence of Indonesia is a full service DMC/ PCO ;

The Leading Dmc’s of the World , Is the wor

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