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Southampton is the cruise capital of Northern Europe...


Southampton is the cruise capital of Northern Europe. With a cosmopolitan atmosphere borne from centuries of international trade, Southampton is one of the UK’s leading ports and liveliest cities, combining medieval walls and buildings, modern shopping and entertainment complexes, marinas, culture and nightlife. Explore the city’s rich culture and long history and try the wide range of leisure activities in the beautiful surrounding countryside before relaxing to recount the day in one of Southampton’s many harbour side restaurants, cafés and bars.


Essential Information

Currency British pounds, £1 = 100 pence
Population 239,700
Newspaper Daily Star, Daily Mail, The Independent, The Times, The Guardian, Southern Daily Echo
Opening Hours Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 9am-7pm, Sun 11am-5pm
Emergency Number 999
Electricity 230/240V AC, 50Hz. Plugs have three square pins.
Tourist Information Tourist Information points around the city: SeaCity Museum Havelock Road, Southampton Daily 10am-5pm.

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