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Sharjah, the not-so-obvious UAE destination for many, unjustly remains in the shadows of its glistening immediate neighbor of Dubai...


Sharjah, the not-so-obvious UAE destination for many, unjustly remains in the shadows of its glistening immediate neighbor of Dubai. In the meantime, few are aware Sharjah was named Capital of Islamic Culture (2014) and Cultural Capital of the Arab World by UNESCO sixteen years prior - and for good reason. Sharjah''s Heritage Area is home to multiple historic sites and museums, and the Emirate itself boasts recent, modern additions to its art and entertainment scenes enough to compensate for the strict "no-alcohol" regulations.


Essential Information

Currency Dirham (1 UAE Dirham = 0.24 Euro)
Population 1.4 million (2015)
Newspaper The Gulf Today, The Gulf News, Khaleej Times
Opening Hours Government offices and local businesses open and close early, often 7.30am-2.30pm.
Emergency Number Fire 997,Police 999,Ambulance 998
Electricity 220-240 Volts, plugs used are European, British and Indian (may vary by establishment).
Tourist Information Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority +971 6 556 6777 info@sharjahtourism.ae

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