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La Palma

Endless hiking trails traverse La Palma, the pristine Canary Island often wrongfully outshone by its well-charted siblings...

La Palma

Endless hiking trails traverse La Palma, the pristine Canary Island often wrongfully outshone by its well-charted siblings. La Palma attracts adventurous types – leisurely sunbathing is here often overlooked in favour of exploration and discovery, pursuits followed across the island''s volcanic landscapes, verdant laurel greenery, and at one of the world''s finest stargazing sites – the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory.

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Essential Information

Currency 1 Euro = 100 cents
Population 86,528
Newspaper La Voz de La Palma, El Apuron, El Time
Opening Hours Opening hours may vary depending on the season, but most businesses operate from 8 or 9am to 1.30pm, closing for siesta.
Emergency Number 112
Electricity Europlug, 220-240 Volts
Tourist Information Centro de Iniciativas y Turismo Insular de La Palma 4 Plaza de la Constitución, Santa Cruz de la Palma +34 922 41 52 48

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