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Queenstown, the self-proclaimed world´s capital of adventures, has, without a doubt, earned its title...


Queenstown, the self-proclaimed world´s capital of adventures, has, without a doubt, earned its title. The birthplace of bungee jumping, and home to all manners of adrenaline pumping activities, from luge and jet-boating to canyon swinging, attracts every year thousands of adventure lovers. Set on the edge of the giant Lake Wakatipu, in the Otago region, this intimate town transforms itself into a buzzing ski resort during winter, thanks to its two appealing ski-fields that suit sport lovers of any abilities.


Essential Information

Currency New Zealand Dollar (NZD) = 100 cents
Population City: 10 400 District: 23 000
Newspaper The New Zealand Herald, The Independent, Sunday News, Sunday Star Times
Opening Hours Typical hours for shops are Monday-Friday 9 am-8 pm, with an earlier closing on weekends.
Emergency Number Police, Fire and Ambulance: 111
Electricity 240 Volts AC, 50Hz flat, 3 pronged plug used
Tourist Information Queenstown i-SITE - Visitor Information Centre Clocktower Building, Cnr Camp and Shotover St, Queenstown, New Zealand.

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