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‘City of Caves’ and ‘Queen of the Midlands’ are two names fondly given to the city of Nottingham, which accurately reflects its hugely diverse nature, rich with cultural heritage and modern day entertainment...


‘City of Caves’ and ‘Queen of the Midlands’ are two names fondly given to the city of Nottingham, which accurately reflects its hugely diverse nature, rich with cultural heritage and modern day entertainment. A city with a fascinating past and an exciting and buzzing present, Nottingham has everything to offer – from high culture, haute couture and widely acclaimed restaurants to the world famous legend of Robin Hood.


Essential Information

Currency Pound Sterling, £1 = 100 pence
Population 316,070
Newspaper Nottingham Evening Post, Nottingham Recorder, The Guardian, The Times
Opening Hours Shops in Nottingham are generally open from 9 am to 6 pm. Some shops even close at 7 pm.
Emergency Number Emergency: 999,Medical Help: 111
Electricity 230 V/ 50 Hz
Tourist Information Nottingham Tourism Centre Smithy Row, Nottingham +44 8444 77 5678 Open: Mon-Sat 9.30 am-5.30 pm. Sun 11 am-5 pm

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