Elipsis GIF

A Swedish ski resort comparable with the mountain villages in the Alps, Åre has seen an increasing number of visitors every year...


A Swedish ski resort comparable with the mountain villages in the Alps, Åre has seen an increasing number of visitors every year. With a total piste length of 95 kilometres, around 100 descents, 40 lifts, almost 50 restaurants and over 30 bars and nightclubs, it is arguably Sweden’s number one ski resort.


Essential Information

Currency Swedish krona (SEK)
Population Åre municipality: 10,000 Åre village: 1,000
Newspaper Länstidningen Östersund, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Aftonbladet
Opening Hours Weekdays 10.00-18.00, Saturdays 10.00-15.00
Emergency Number 112
Electricity 220v/50hz
Tourist Information Åre Tourist office Sankt Olavs Väg 33, Åre Tel: +46 647 163 21

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