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The site of former Indian, Portuguese and Dutch settlements, today’s Chennai was established by the British in the 17th century as a trading port...


The site of former Indian, Portuguese and Dutch settlements, today’s Chennai was established by the British in the 17th century as a trading port. This colonial town, formerly known as Madras, has since grown into India’s fourth-largest city and the capital of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This bustling and colorful Indian city is bound to have something on offer for everyone.


Essential Information

Currency Rupee 1 INR/Rs. = 100 paise
Population 4.9 million in Chennai city, urban area 9 million
Newspaper The Hindu – India’s national newspaper, New Indian Express – a major newspaper, Chennai City Guide
Opening Hours Normally 10.30 am - 8.30 pm
Emergency Number Police: 100,Traffic Police: 103,Fire Control: 101,Ambulance: 102,Apollo Ambulance: 1066
Electricity 230V-240V, 50 Hz AC three round-pin sockets
Tourist Information India Tourism Development Corporation 29 Dr. P.V. Cherian Crescent, Egmore +91 44 28211782

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