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Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is California’s masterpiece...

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is California’s masterpiece. The basin of glistening waters and palatial mountains was formed out of calamitous volcanic activity and glacial works of art millions of years ago, giving rise to the astounding tourist attraction of today. Divided into North and South, both parts equally beautiful, Tahoe keeps locals and visitors occupied all year round. Ski resorts, warm-weather recreation, casinos, reputable nightlife venues and fantastic food!



Essential Information

Currency $1 U.S. = 100 cents
Population 21,388 (South Lake Tahoe)
Newspaper North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, Tahoe Daily Tribune, Tahoe Mountain News, Squaw Valley Times, Moonshine Ink
Opening Hours General opening hours for stores are 10am until 9pm.
Emergency Number 911
Electricity 120 V., , 60 Hz., , Plug types A and B.
Tourist Information Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority 3066 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, CA Phone: +1 530 544 5050

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