Elipsis GIF
Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is a true oriental pearl and the capital of Sabah, a state in Malaysia...

Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is a true oriental pearl and the capital of Sabah, a state in Malaysia. Surrounded by spectacular waters, mountains and ancient rainforest, this is truly the gateway to Borneo, with a vibrant city life that will surely captivate you.


Essential Information

Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), RM1 ~ US$0,25
Population 618,000
Newspaper Borneo Post, Sabah Times, Daily Express
Opening Hours Banks: Monday - Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm. Closed from 12:30 - 2 pm , Shopping centres vary, Monday - Friday: 10 am - 9 pm
Emergency Number 999
Electricity Malaysia runs on 220v, and most modern hotels use UK style 3 pin plugs, but you often also find 2 pin sockets and plugs.
Tourist Information Sabah Tourism Board 51 Jalan Gaya, Kota Kinabalu +60 88 212 121 Opening hours: 8 am - 5 pm week days, 9 am-4 pm weekends

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