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Bookings for The Star, the newest and third hotel in The Polizzi Collection, will be available from January 1, 2021.


Olga and Alex Polizzi have announced the revised opening date for The Star, Alfriston as March 1, 2021. Bookings for The Star, the newest and third hotel in The Polizzi Collection, will be available from January 1, 2021.

The property was initially intended to be open for Christmas but, due to the uncertainties of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Olga Polizzi, the owner of The Polizzi Collection, said the team would instead complete renovations on the entire building prior to opening.

This includes “overhauling every bedroom and ensuring in the process that none of our guests will be dependent on the old redundant single pipe heating system, which we discovered at times only provided a dribble of hot water to the furthest rooms,” according to Polizzi. They will also convert 12 of the smallest rooms into eight larger and brighter rooms.  

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