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Rocco Forte Hotels is a collection of 14 luxury hotels and resorts located in cultural destinations across Europe.


Welcome to Rocco Forte Hotels: exquisite hotels in exceptional locations.

From London to Rome, Sicily to Shanghai, each property is as unique as the place it calls home – each steeped in the spirit of its setting, united by the Forte family’s signature Anglo-Italian style, sophistication and warmth.

Expect national landmarks at the city’s best addresses and heavenly retreats. Secret gardens, celestial spas, rooftop bars and world-leading restaurants. Imaginative, original design, inspired by each locale, alike in quality and comfort. Genuine, individualised service and an open, easy atmosphere. Expect an unforgettable stay – and expect to return.

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The Hotel de Rome, a Rocco Forte hotel, a beautifu

Villa Kennedy, a Rocco Forte hotel is set in the e

Verdura Resort, a Rocco Forte hotel is situated on

Hotel Amigo, a Rocco Forte hotel is superbly locat

The Charles Hotel, a Rocco Forte hotel, Munich’

The five-star Hotel Savoy, a Rocco Forte hotel off

Hotel Astoria is a place with true Russian hospita

Brown’s Hotel is not only London’s first hotel

Masseria Torre Maizza is located in the most glamo

'A lively 18th-century palazzo in a peerless posit

Discover history, majesty and serenity at Villa Ig

For over a century, The Balmoral has found a home

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