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One of Uzbekistan's top 10 Tour operators.


Peopletravel established in 2006, which is based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, is one of the well-known among leading and reliable travel companies operating in Central Asian market.

We believe that business builds relationships and treats every customer equally irrespective of the tour package cost. Our professional and committed team, dedicated to working hand in hand with our customers and partners, keeps an attitude of providing services and hospitality beyond expectation.

We invite you to visit Uzbekistan and other Central Asian states, to breathe its air and be a part of our culture, people, history and traditions. Our innovative and creative team is ready to become your loyal assistant in arranging in arranging all types of tours, regardless of your travel purpose.

We believe that we will make your trip to Central Asia, particularly to Uzbekistan, one of the most memorable and delightful trips you have ever had.

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