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We got our start in Boston almost 20 years ago. Since then, we've won numerous awards (including event designer of the year) and established ourselves as Boston's destination and event managem...


“The rumors that we were the event to attend were continuing until it was over. I even heard that one client missed their own event to stay longer at ours!”- KGWe got our start in Boston almost 20 years ago.

Since then, we’ve won numerous awards (including event designer of the year) and established ourselves as Boston’s destination and event management leaders. Boston’s unique history, innovative culture, and community are deeply ingrained in our thinking, and our inspiration is global.

Count on us as your local experts for special events and event design, nights on the town, local and regional activities, teambuilding and excursions, staffing, transportation management, meeting logistics, and registration.

That’s why nxtevent is Boston Born, World Inspired. 

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