We were awarded our first DMC representation contract in January 1997. The destination was Turkey and we are happy to report to you that MM and Company is still representing the same team of conference and incentive professionals years later, a record that we are extremely proud of.
Currently MM and Company represents twenty world class DMCs all over the world, of these, we have been representing eleven of the DMCs for more than ten years. Our record speaks volumes, the reason why we have such long relationships is two fold:
MM and Company delivers conference and incentive events as confirmed business to the DMCS that MM and Company represents.
The DMCs in turn, deliver outstanding events to our clients.
More often than not, we can also recommend DMCs in destinations not listed on our website, so if you need a DMC, please contact us at sales@mm-and-company.co.uk
MICE specialist DMC for Austria (Vienna, Salzburg,
EPIC DMC UnExpected ExPerience QualIty Culture Dev
MICE specialist DMC Paris. Part of the MM and Comp
AME Greece (Part of the AME MEDGroup of Companies)
C Florida Hospitality DMC covering Florida from Or
The J Team- Japan DMC Part of the MM and Co
MiMalta meetings and incentive DMC. Part of the MM
DETAILS NYC is a cutting edge Destination Man
ITC Travel and Conference DMC Prague. Part of the
MICE specialist Enjoy Slovakia DMC Part of the MM
The Inside Edge DMC covering South Africa, Namibia
Delta Amsterdam, founded in 1965, ensures tailor d
cornerstone meetings - part of germany insight: We
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