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Meridian Tours was founded in 1993 with its headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey. Over the years our company has grown to the point where it positioned itself as a leading player in the tourism market, innovating the quality of their products and earning trust from all its customers and partners._x000D_
Over the years Meridian Tours has created different departments to provide superior quality service. Currently we have over 100 highly skilled employees with extensive knowledge of the markets in which we work and with a perfect command of English, Spanish , and Portuguese , enabling a smooth and successful communication._x000D_
At Meridian Tours we are constantly working to be one of the main tourism companies in Turkey by developing a unique brand of excellence, which allows us to enjoy great prestige in the market._x000D_
Our mission is to work together, both our staff and suppliers, and to respond appropriately and effectively to each of the requirements and needs of our customers; continuously to develop our values of quality, leadership and teamwork, while always being ready for developments and growth.

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