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Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona is an exclusive hotel located on Passeig de Gràcia, the most exclusive shopping boulevard in the heart of the city and home to historical modernist sights and Gaudi’s architectural gems. All our unique rooms and suites offer an exquisite interior design by Patricia Urquiola while The Spa, is a sanctuary where guests find relaxation and harmony. Carme Ruscalleda, one of the most awarded female Chefs in the world and best ambassador of Catalan gastronomy oversees the culinary operations at Moments restaurant. Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona is a true gastronomic destination that is a luxurious meeting place for both guests and residents of the city.

Hotel/Venue Information

Bedrooms 120
Theatre 200
Reception 450
Gala 240
Meeting Space
Meeting Rooms 5
On Site Activities
Team Building
Motorised Driving
Swimming Pool
Nearest Airport Barcelona-El Prat
Airport Transfer Time 30 min
Ideal Group Size
Maximum Group Size

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