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Full-service representation company


Mags Worldwide (MWW) is a full-service representation company based in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Established in 2007, we provide first-class local representation across the UK & Ireland, but with a personal touch. We will take you to some of the world’s most intriguing destinations including Brazil, Argentina, Chile & Peru, Croatia & Montenegro, China & Hong Kong, Dubai, Abu Dhabi & U.A.E, Greece, Morocco and Oman. We understand what is required by professional conference & incentive planners to develop the most effective & rewarding outcome for their clients. Our DMC Partners work to develop original and creative programmes that suit all types of clients, showcasing their destinations to maximum potential.

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  Welcome Swiss is a leading DMC operating across

We Are Welcome Italy  - our ethos is sim

Awarded as the Best MICE operator & Winner of

Over the next forty years it went on to establishe

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