Elipsis GIF


At the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort and Spa group travelers can enjoy as much-or as little-of the traditional Vegas experience as they desire. Soothing waterfalls and lush gardens set the scene for productive retreats including extraordinary indoor/outdoor function space, presentation technology and an impressive catering division. When meetings adjourn, the doors open to a diverse menu of opportunities where attendees can choose to enjoy the abundant amenities of this remarkable golf resort or explore all that’s alluring in Las Vegas. The JW Marriott Las Vegas is the ideal group getaway- blending luxurious meeting space, respite and easy access to the action in the city.

Hotel/Venue Information

Bedrooms 548
Theatre 1280
Reception 1280
Gala 980
Meeting Space
Meeting Rooms
On Site Activities
Team Building
Motorised Driving
Swimming Pool
Nearest Airport
Airport Transfer Time
Ideal Group Size
Maximum Group Size

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The JW Steakhouse Berlin has the potential to beco

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