Elipsis GIF


Centrally located in between Pune Airport and Mumbai Pune Expressway, JW Marriott Hotel Pune features luxury amenities, integrated eco-friendly enhancements, and is awarded with LEED Gold certification. For guests traveling on business, five-star amenities at our luxurious JW hotel include wireless connectivity, large desks with ergonomic chairs, in-room vaults for laptops, and fresh breakfast options. The Hotel has 414 contemporary rooms including 43 suites designed for both the discerning business and leisure traveler. With nearly 40,000 square feet of sophisticated meeting space, which includes a 13000 sq ft pillar less ballroom with a ceiling height of 23 feet and a total of 12 breakaway rooms, the hotel has placed Pune on the convention map if India.

Hotel/Venue Information

Bedrooms 415
Theatre 1360
Reception 1360
Gala 720
Meeting Space
Meeting Rooms
On Site Activities
Team Building
Motorised Driving
Swimming Pool
Nearest Airport
Airport Transfer Time
Ideal Group Size
Maximum Group Size

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