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Emeco Travel



EMECO Travel ..

Portraying a Legacy      

Emeco was launched in 1976. Today it boasts a well-earned reputation as the most innovative and reliable travel company in Egypt, offer a high level of service and professionalism from its staff members. 

Our multi-lingual team is carefully selected from across Egypt and follows a series of in-house training modules as well as undertaking academic and vocational courses at learning institutions in Egypt and abroad.

All of our staff members are well travelledboth within Egypt and overseas, enabling them to provide you with the best travel advice often gained through personal experience. 

Emeco operates a network of offices across Egypt and also has a number of international representatives, enabling us to provide a truly global service. 

Emeco is a member of many distinguished professional organizations worldwide, which provide us with excellent exposure as well as offering training, best practice sharing and adding to our purchasing power with suppliers. 



“Remember a mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions, Travel with us & Dare to dream.”


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Emeco Tourism in the Emirates is a result of the m

euromic - is a non-profit marketing association of

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Emeco Travel
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