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Exceeding your expectations in Malaysia.


Malaysia sits in the heart of Asia as one of the largest and fastest growing economic regions in the world.

The country enjoys multicultural diversity, a multitude of venue and accommodation options, as well as an exceptional range of travel experiences for visitors attending business and leisure events. It all makes for a compelling business and international events destination – from the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur to the spectacular Geopark in Langkawi.

As one of the best value destinations in the world, Malaysia is very affordable for potential attendees and an attractive proposition for business events. This translates to lower overall expenditure for organizers and the potential to attract a much broader range of attendees. Malaysia has a long and successful track record for hosting international conventions, often achieving record attendance levels.

From 5-star resorts to budget stays to everything in between, you can be sure of one thing – Malaysian hospitality.

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Globally accessible, with direct flight access to

Thailand presents an exotic blend of modern and an

Vietnam still has the fortune of being a relativel

Japan has one of the world’s oldest and most uni

There’s no better base to connect with Mainland

Often referred to as the Island of the Gods, Bali

Cambodia is a land of golden opportunities with di

Destination Asia Laos can arrange spectacular welc

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