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Bordeaux is a cosmopolitan metropolis and a thriving centre of innovation at the heart of South-West France.


Providing free unbiased advice, the Bordeaux Convention Bureau assists you with the planning of you professional event in the region. Your first point of contact for the destination, we will provide access to the best of Bordeaux, no matter the scope or nature of your event.

Bordeaux is a buzzing hive of interaction and creativity, as well as an emblematic capital of the French art of living, with its UNESCO-listed architectural heritage and world-famous gastronomy. Ranked as the world’s top tourist destination by Lonely Planet in 2017, Bordeaux is a thriving young city teeming with art and alternative culture, set in a splendid natural environment it is striving to protect, with the nearby Bay of Arcachon, and of course the River Garonne which winds its way through some of the world’s greatest vineyards on its way to the Atlantic Ocean.

Nowadays, Bordeaux is a bustling centre of cutting-edge start-ups and high-tech industry, attracting an ever-growing number of event organisers. It is a key platform for economic, industrial and scientific exchange, driven by the immense intellectual resources of a region which is home to no fewer than 11 competitiveness clusters and 60 sectors of excellence of international renown (in fields such as aeronautics, optics and lasers, geosciences, eco-housing, the digital economy, ICT for healthcare, neurosciences, etc.). As France’s 3rd most prolific creator of digital businesses, Bordeaux is a life-size laboratory for innovation, exchange and collaboration.

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