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St Lucia DMC


Barefoot Holidays St. Lucia is an award winning full service DMC in Saint Lucia. We have been in operation for over 30 years and continue to set the standard for excellent customer service and delivery to our distinguished clientele who visit Saint Lucia and the Caribbean. We continue to craft the perfect experiences for our existing clients and always look forward to planning new experiences with new clients as we welcome them to the ‘Barefoot Holidays Saint Lucia’ Family. All things considered, there is nothing that you may request that Barefoot Holidays St. Lucia fails to provide.

Not only do we provide these services but we share our knowledge and ensure that you stay was well spent. Moreover, we are part of the experience. We share the moments so it is always fun and exciting. Just imagine, cocktails on the beach, catamaran on St. Lucia’s lovely turquoise waters, or a simple Destination Wedding just below the Majestic Piton in Soufriere. There is always something exciting and always something to discover.

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