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AXICA is a perfectly formed event location located directly next to the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and designed by world renowned architect Frank Gehry


AXICA is a perfectly formed event location located directly next to the iconic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and designed by world renowned architect Frank Gehry.

Whether a small press conference with ten participants in the Sky Lobby overlooking the Quadriga, a panel discussion with up to 80 participants in plenary, the walk-in sculpture, which impresses with its unique acoustics and arched form, or an exclusive gala dinner with up to 350 participants in the forum under the glass clouds and the arched glass roof – everything becomes a lasting memory.

Whatever you plan – be it a conference, a conference, a concert, a fashion show, an exhibition, a parliamentary evening… Just contact us for a successful realisation. We are happy to advise you to make your event a complete success! All events at AXICA are perfectly thought-out from A to Z, tailor-made for your event and organised with heart, mind and passion by an experienced team of event managers.

Such diverse venues as the AXICA in Berlin are few. The only mistake you could make is to miss the chance of the AXICA experience!


Sales and Proposal Data

Health & Safety/COVID-19

Hotel/Venue Information

Bedrooms 0
Theatre 500
Reception 0
Gala 350
Meeting Space 530
Meeting Rooms 15
On Site Activities
Team Building
Motorised Driving
Swimming Pool
Nearest Airport BER - Berlin Brandenburg Airport
Airport Transfer Time 0h45
Ideal Group Size 300
Maximum Group Size 600

Linked Company

The legendary Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin ranks a

Photo Gallery

Video Gallery

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Location we offer our services in


Sterne des Sports 2020

Martin Buth, Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e.V.

Charity Award 2020

Sabine Springer, Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH


Andreas Woda - Board of Directors, Leipziger Volksbank


Oliver Fischer, VBG

International Mars Sample Return Conference

Yael Asher - HE Space Operations for ESA
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