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Abu Dhabi


Established in March 2013, the Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau drives and supports the development and promotion of business events throughout the emirate efficiently, effectively, and transparently, and in partnership with all its stakeholders. Its main mission is to champion the emirate as a dynamic global business events leader.

Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau can assist with any planners’ needs and acts as a one-stop shop, offering free advice, help with planning, and local knowledge. Key assistance includes researching bid opportunities, assisting with a tailored bid strategy to ensure competitiveness, providing destination promotional collateral and boosting delegate numbers through the authority’s international offices.

The Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau team provides co-ordination with local partners, and helps arrange introductions to key Abu Dhabi stakeholders, secures support from mainline industry and tourism leaders, and assists with government liaison, researching appropriate venues, offering PR and marketing support, and providing innovative activities and pre and post- conference ideas.

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