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The capital city of New Zealand rests between rolling hills and a rugged coastline on the southern tip of the North Island...


The capital city of New Zealand rests between rolling hills and a rugged coastline on the southern tip of the North Island. As well as offering some of the best urban views in New Zealand, the city is popular for its arts and culture. Wellington is home to the National Museum (Te Papa), the national opera and ballet companies, and is the heart of the nation’s film and fashion scenes. With more restaurants and cafés per head than New York, Wellington also offers an unequaled gastronomic experience.


Essential Information

Currency New Zealand Dollar, $1 = 100 cents
Population 412 500
Newspaper The Dominion Post (regional), New Zealand Herald (national)
Opening Hours Most shops are open from 9am to 5.30pm. All stores close on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and until 1pm
Emergency Number 111 (Ambulance, Fire and Police)
Electricity 220-240 volts, 50Hz
Tourist Information Wellington i-SITE Visitor Information Centre 111 Wakefield Street +64 4 802 4860 Mon-Fri 8.30am - 5pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm

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