Elipsis GIF

Shimmering like a precious stone in the fierce desert sun, the city of Riyadh is a complex mix of dualisms that will intrigue the intrepid traveller...


Shimmering like a precious stone in the fierce desert sun, the city of Riyadh is a complex mix of dualisms that will intrigue the intrepid traveller. A modern cutting edge metropolis that boldly strides towards the future whilst at the same time a city firmly rooted in the traditions of its historical past. Known as the “Queen of the Desert”, Riyadh will captivate every suitor with her desert landscapes and lush green oases, her ancient monuments and the renowned Arabic hospitality of her denizens.


Essential Information

Currency Saudi Riyal (SAR) , SR1 ~ US$0,27
Population 7,125,180
Newspaper Saudi Gazette
Opening Hours The working week is generally from Sun-Thu with some businesses open Saturday mornings. Government Offices: 7:30-14:30.
Emergency Number Police: 999,Fire: 998,Ambulance: 997
Electricity 125/215 Volts AC, 50/60Hz
Tourist Information The Supreme Commission for Tourism Kindi Centre, D.Q Open Sat-Wed 8:00-15:00 +966 11 880 8855

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