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Oxford City, a bustling cosmopolitan town, located in central southern part of England is the 52nd largest city in the UK and one of the fastest growing cities in terms of population...


Oxford City, a bustling cosmopolitan town, located in central southern part of England is the 52nd largest city in the UK and one of the fastest growing cities in terms of population. The city is known as a university town and also a home of the University of Oxford. Aside from the City Centre, tourists may also visit other several suburbs and neighborhoods within the borders of city of Oxford. Take time to visit and enjoy the city''s historical attractions!

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Graduate Hotels revamps event spaces in Oxford and Cambridge

Graduate Hotels has unveiled newly renovated event spaces at its properties in Oxford and Cambridge. The newly renovated Graduate Cambridge has the...

29 January 2020
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Essential Information

Currency Pound Sterling (GBP), £1 = 100 cents
Population 159,600
Newspaper The Oxford Times, Oxford Mail, Oxford Journal, Daily Information, Nightshift, Jericho Echo, Oxford Prospect
Opening Hours General opening hours are from 9am-10pm on weekdays, 9am-9pm on Saturdays and 12pm-6pm Sunday.
Emergency Number For police, fire and ambulance services: 999
Electricity 220V - 230V. Plugs are large in shape and have three, substantial, flat prongs.
Tourist Information Oxford Visitor Information Centre 15-16 Broad St, Oxford +44 1865 686430 info@experienceoxfordshire.org.

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