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Moscow is a city of contrasts, where the bohemian and the glamorous merge in an idiosyncratic fusion - do not be surprised to find a golden-domed 16th century church next to an ultra-modern glass skyscraper...


Moscow is a city of contrasts, where the bohemian and the glamorous merge in an idiosyncratic fusion - do not be surprised to find a golden-domed 16th century church next to an ultra-modern glass skyscraper. Here, salty fish eggs (caviar) are washed down with bubbly champagne and worn-out commuters travel by the elaborately decorated, elegant metro - one of the city''s main attractions.

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Essential Information

Currency Russian ruble (RBL) 1 ruble = 100 kopeks
Population 11,514,330
Newspaper The Moscow Times, The Moscow Tribune
Opening Hours Most shops are open from 9/11am-7pm on weekdays. Banks are open from 10am-5pm. Some offices are closed an hour for lunch
Emergency Number Emergency: 01,Police: 02,Ambulance: 03,Moscow Tourist Helpline: +7 800 220 00 02 (English)
Electricity 220 volt, 50 Hz
Tourist Information Moscow Tourist Information Centre Gostiny Dvor, 4 Ilyinka, Moscow +7 095 232 5657 info@moscow-city.ru

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