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Ho Chi Minh City

Located near the Mekong River, Ho Chi Minh City is the largest and most exciting city in Vietnam...

Ho Chi Minh City

Located near the Mekong River, Ho Chi Minh City is the largest and most exciting city in Vietnam. The population of around 9 million people makes it one of the densest urban areas in the world and it''s common that several families share the same living space together. Travellers will likely be amazed by the vibrant mix of old and new including war relics from the devastating Vietnam War and well-preserved colonial structures. The vibrant nightlife of Ho Chi Minh makes it stand out from other cities in Vietnam.


Essential Information

Currency Vietnamese dong (VND), VND 10,000 ~ US $0.43
Population 8.8 million
Newspaper Sai Gon Giai Phong (Liberated Saigon), Tuoi Tre (Youth), Nguoi Lao Dong (Labourer), The Thao (Sports), Saigon Times
Opening Hours Government office: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM from Monday to Friday , Banks: 7:30 AM/ 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Emergency Number Police: 113,Fire: 114,Ambulance/ First Aid: 115
Electricity 220 Volts, 50 Mhz
Tourist Information HCMC Tourism Promotion Center Address: 140 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ho Chi Ming City Tel: +84 28 3827 7371

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