Although Eilat existed already in ancient times, the modern town dates back to 1949...
Although Eilat existed already in ancient times, the modern town dates back to 1949. It is Israel’s premier winter sun resort and the heart of the Red Sea Riviera. Thrilling landscapes of red-tinted mountains, sheer blue skies and crystal clear waters give an exhilarating sense of adventure, pleasure and freedom, with a myriad of things to do and see.
Currency | Shekel or New Israeli Shekel (NIS). 1NIS = 100 agorot. Prices are often given in $US. |
Population | 50,000 |
Newspaper | Jerusalem Post (daily), Ha’aretz (daily) and Jerusalem Report (monthly) are in English. Ha’Ir Eilat. |
Opening Hours | Normal hours are Sunday-Thursday 09.00-19.00, and Friday 09.00-14.00. From Friday evening to Saturday evening is Shabbat |
Emergency Number | Police: 100, Medical emergency: 101, Fire: 102 |
Electricity | 220V |
Tourist Information | 8 Beit Hagesher +972 8 630 9111 Sunday-Thursday 08.30-17.00, Fridays 08.00-13.00 |
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