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Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain, served as inspiration for J...


Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain, served as inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien to write the celebrated fantasy fiction "The Lord of the Rings". The city is renowned for its dining scene that will satisfy the most demanding palates and, thanks to the many attractions, tourists are sure to keep busy. With world-class shopping centres all fashionistas will leave the city with a smile, and when the night falls there is an exciting nightlife to discover.


Essential Information

Currency British Pounds, £1 = 100 pence
Population 1,1 million
Newspaper Birmingham Post- www.birminghampost.co.uk, Birmingham Mail - www.birminghammail.co.uk
Opening Hours Many of the larger shopping malls are open Monday - Saturday from 9 or 10am and closes at 8 or 9pm.
Emergency Number 999
Electricity 240V/50Hz

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