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The majestic "City of Sails" is surrounded by water, which defines its sparkling appeal...


The majestic "City of Sails" is surrounded by water, which defines its sparkling appeal. The magnificent harbour is reminiscent of other famous waterside cities, but with its own unique charm. The site of the 2000 & 2003 America’s Cup, Auckland has a rich maritime history, shaping their identity as a seafaring nation. Auckland is relatively small geographically, which makes it a pleasure to explore on foot and with its dynamic population the city has more of a cosmopolitan, sophisticated feel to it and with an easy, friendly atmosphere.


Essential Information

Currency New Zealand Dollar (NZD) = 100 cents
Population 1.4 million
Newspaper The New Zealand Herald,, The Independent,, National Business Review,, Sunday News,, Sunday Star Times
Opening Hours Typical hours for shops are 9am-6pm weekdays, with an earlier closing on weekends but many shops stay open late.
Emergency Number Police, Fire and Ambulance,111
Electricity 240 Volts AC, 50Hz flat, 3 pronged plugs used.
Tourist Information The Auckland Visitor Information Center Skycity atrium, Crn of Victoria and Federal Streets.

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