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The Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, is a city like no other...


The Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, is a city like no other. It has a hint of a European feel, but with a distinct Latin American flavour. It is cosmopolitan, yet autochthonous. Every street corner and narrow alleyway is teeming with art and culture, history and personality, tango, rock n'' roll and football. It is a city of museums, of galleries, of classical-style cafes and world-class steakhouses, of antique markets and bookstores, a city for screams of joy at the Bombonera Stadium and midnight strolls along the majestic River Plate.

Latest Articles

The Happening… Buenos Aires Cocktail Week

From super slick hotel hangouts to traditional speakeasies, the drinking scene in Buenos Aires offers a plethora choice for the pickiest of drinkers. ...

6 May 2019
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Latest Articles

The Happening… Buenos Aires Cocktail Week

From super slick hotel hangouts to traditional speakeasies, the drinking scene in Buenos Aires offers a plethora choice for the pickiest of drinkers. ...

22 June 2020
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Essential Information

Currency Peso Argentino, 1 ARS = 100 centavos
Population City: 2,900,000 Metropolitan Area: 12,800,000
Newspaper Buenos Aires Herald (English), Clarín, La Nación
Opening Hours Most shops open Mon-Fri 9am-8pm and Sat 9am-12am. Some shops also open on Sundays. Malls generally open daily 10am-10pm.
Emergency Number Emergency: 911, Police: 101, Fire: 100, Medical Emergencies: 107
Electricity 220-240 V, 50 Hz, AC, Plug types C, I
Tourist Information Centro de Información Turística (CIT) Av. Santa Fe 883 +54 11 4312 2232 Open daily 9am-6pm

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