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The Philippine capital is Asia’s best-kept secret...


The Philippine capital is Asia’s best-kept secret. The capital of the Orient’s only catholic country seems somehow out of place, vibrant with Latin American or Caribbean undertones. Music and dancing are everywhere, and the smiles and laughter rival Bangkok’s in their warmth and enthusiasm. Manila’s intense historical influences – Spanish religion and American consumerism – have led to the saying that the capital has spent “400 years in a convent and 50 in Hollywood.” The result is a city of extremes ready to delight the unsuspecting traveller.


Essential Information

Currency Philippine peso (PHP), ₱10 ~ US$0,19
Population 13 million
Newspaper Philippine daily inquirer, Manila bulletin, Manila times, Philippine star, Manila standard today, Daily tribune
Opening Hours Shops open 10am-8pm, but shopping malls close at 9pm or 10pm. Smaller shops close for lunch 12pm-2pm.
Emergency Number 911
Electricity 220 volts, 60Hz
Tourist Information Filipino Travel Center Address: Unit 118 Ground Floor, Manila Residences Bocobo, 1160 J.Bocobo St, Ermita 1000, Manila

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