Elipsis GIF

Reims is one of France’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities...


Reims is one of France’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities. It offers visitors a great choice of fine restaurants, brasseries and shops, lively nightlife, concerts, festivals and cultural events, and of course, world-famous Champagne houses to visit and sample the local nectar. With tree-lined avenues, elegant squares and a magnificent Gothic style cathedral that played host to the coronation of several kings of France, Reims is a city for all occasions.


Essential Information

Currency Euro (EUR) €1 = 100 cents
Population Approximately 197,000
Newspaper Le Figaro Aujourd’hui en France, Le Journal du Dimanche, Les Echos
Opening Hours Shop opening hours are generally from 9am-7pm. Small shops might stay closed for an hour over lunch.
Emergency Number Police: 17,Ambulance: 15/112,Fire Brigade: 18
Electricity 220/240 V AC, 50Hz
Tourist Information Tourist Information Centre (Cathedral) 2 rue Guillaume de Machault, Reims Open: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm.

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