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Quebec City

It all started in 1535, when Jacques Cartier landed here, and the first trading port was created in what is now Quebec...

Quebec City

It all started in 1535, when Jacques Cartier landed here, and the first trading port was created in what is now Quebec. Since, the city had become its Province''s capital and a destination popular for its sights, architecture and food. Visit the famous Chateau Frontenac, the world''s most photographed hotel, or one of the other 36 national historic sites, each a sight to behold in its own right. But walking through the Old Port or the Plains of Abraham is perhaps the best way to feel and breathe in the historical atmosphere of the city.


Essential Information

Currency Canadian Dollar, 1 CAD = 100 cents
Population 545,485
Newspaper Quebec Chronicle, Le Soleil
Opening Hours Standard banking hours are from 10:00 to 15:00 Monday through Friday, with extended hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Emergency Number Emergency: 911,Health Info (No emergency): 811
Electricity The electrical supply is 110 Volts and 60 Hertz.
Tourist Information Centre Infotouriste de Québec 12 Rue Sainte-Anne, Quebec City +1 418 641 6290 Mid-June to August 31: daily, 9.00 - 18:00

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