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Marmaris lies in a bay with crystal-clear water...


Marmaris lies in a bay with crystal-clear water. This is where the Mediterranean meets the Aegean Sea. Fragrant pine woods stretch out along the mountain crests. Marmaris is the perfect destination for relaxed days on the beach. There''s lots to see and do and plenty of sun to be basked in.


Essential Information

Currency Turkish Lira (TRY) 1 = 100 kuruş
Population 34,047 (2012)
Newspaper Hürriyet Daily News, www.turkishpress.com
Opening Hours Shops are generally open from Monday to Saturdays between 9.30 am and 7/8 pm.
Emergency Number Emergency: 112,Medical Care: 113,Police: 155
Electricity 220 volts
Tourist Information Marmaris Tourist Information Karacan Plaza, Marmaris Open Mon-Sat +90 252 417 11 28 +90 252 417 11 69

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