Hong Kong is a young, vibrant city bursting with energy...
Hong Kong is a young, vibrant city bursting with energy. This is obvious to anyone standing on the pier in Tsim Sha Tsui, looking out over Hong Kong’s impressive skyline of skyscrapers. Furthermore, this is a city that has managed to make an art of squeezing seven million people together in an area of 1.000 square kilometers. With its tropical climate, beautiful landscapes, energetic nightlife and fantastic food, Hong Kong is a traveler''s paradise. 25 million people come here each year to experience a city unlike any other in the world.
hosmarkhotels has expanded its portfolio through a new partnership with Harbour Plaza Hotels & Resorts, marking a return to Hong Kong for the UK-b...
Broadsword has announced the appointment of Jase Ng as its new Asia Pacific Lead to support the agency’s growing global operations. She is the fi...
Shangri-La Group took its Kerry Hotels brand on the road in the UK last week for the first time with two events targeting agency buyers in Manchester ...
hosmarkhotels has expanded its portfolio through a new partnership with Harbour Plaza Hotels & Resorts, marking a return to Hong Kong for the UK-b...
Broadsword has announced the appointment of Jase Ng as its new Asia Pacific Lead to support the agency’s growing global operations. She is the fi...
Shangri-La Group took its Kerry Hotels brand on the road in the UK last week for the first time with two events targeting agency buyers in Manchester ...
All eyes are on Hong Kong this March as the eagerly-awaited Rosewood Hong Kong finally opens its doors. We explore what the new ultra-luxury property ...
Currency | Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), HK$10 ~ US$1,27 |
Population | 7 Million |
Newspaper | The South China Morning Post , The Hong Kong Standard, Herald Tribune, Financial Times, Asian Wall Street Journal |
Opening Hours | Office hours are 09.00–17.30 from Monday to Friday, 09.00–13.00 on Saturdays. Many offices are closed for lunch. |
Emergency Number | 999 |
Electricity | 220 V / 50 Hz |
Tourist Information | Hong Kong International Airport Visitor Centre: Buffer Halls A & B, Arrivals Level, Terminal 1, Hong Kong Intl Airport |
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