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Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale of today is a destination that will keep the well-traveled with a discriminating taste satisfied...

Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale of today is a destination that will keep the well-traveled with a discriminating taste satisfied. The year-round mild temperatures make the sandy beaches an ideal relaxing spot during daytime. At night, however, the long boulevards turns into a vibrant party mile with clubs, bars and pubs as far as the eye can see. With some of the best restaurants, shops and boutique hotels in the state, this city is a hip explorers paradise.


Essential Information

Currency US Dollar, 1 USD = 100 cents
Population 180,000
Newspaper www.sun-sentinel.com, www.ftlauderdalenews.net, www.justnews.com
Emergency Number 911
Electricity Flat 2 or 3-prong plugs are standard, with 110-115 volt adapters available in many electrical shops and discount variety stores.
Tourist Information The Official Tourism Marketing Agency for Broward County 101 NE 3rd Ave, Suite 100, Fort Lauderdale +1 954 765 4466

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